Unit rate in effect
Unit rate From January 1, 2025
Cheque printing $0.45 $1.15
Black copy $0.25 $0.25
Colour copy $0.50 $0.50
Land registry $3.00 $3.00
Small envelope $0.45 $0.45
Large envelope $1.25 $1.25
Non-emergency calls outside of business hours $50/call for a reason that does not impact the integrity of the building
Purchases made for the Syndicate
and paid by the Manager Cost
+ 15% Cost
+ 15%
Hourly rates
In effect
Clerical staff $95
Claims and damages coordination $125
Collection staff $125
Manager $150
Director $175
Associate $250
Lawyer $250
SolutionCondo and its subsidiaries are covered for errors and omissions up to $5,000,000 by the Adm.A. professional insurance program, since the principal shareholders are both members of the CPA order and the Ordre des Adm.A.
It's important for our team to have a high level of coverage, since we manage large and sometimes high-end buildings.